Poppy & Rufus - Luxury dog beds, bowls, storage, toys and accessories

British and Beautiful Bluebells

Have you been down to the woods today? If so, you were in for a treat with bluebells in full bloom.

If not and you fancy finding some, then The National Trust can help you find your local bluebell woods – click here to find yours or The Wildlife Trust also has a local bluebell wood finder – here

Our best bluebell spot, local to Rufus, is Heartwood Forest in St Albans managed by the Woodland Trust.

Here’s some pics from Heartwood taken last week to show you just how beautiful it is ….

closeup  portrait blubells rufus in bluebells rufus on path woods

And finally, here’s Poppy and Rufus amongst the bluebells with our Beau and Belle dog walking bags last year.

poppyandrufus with all bags 900

Happy bluebell hunting!

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