Poppy & Rufus - Luxury dog beds, bowls, storage, toys and accessories

Coming Soon…..Colourful Collars!

The creative juices are flowing at Poppy & Rufus as we launch into producing our first ever collars and leads in time for Christmas. Creating colour combinations and palettes for our fabric literally takes weeks; in fact the process has been continual for a year now, collecting ideas from everything from fabulous flowers and plants in nature, to favourite dresses, treasured trays and of course, the on trend colours that fill our favourite shops too.

colours on table

Unfortunately, no beautiful creative space, complete with large mood board hanging above a wide desk exists, so the dining room table has disappeared beneath swathes of paper and has to remain that way as combinations evolve. Lots of ‘sleeping on it’ then next day changing again! However, time is of the essence and a birthday party tomorrow dictates it must be a wrap by nightfall today! Watch this space!

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