Poppy & Rufus - Luxury dog beds, bowls, storage, toys and accessories

Events: No Polo for Poppy!

A perfect day for Polo on Sunday where we shared our lovely stuff with the lovely people at Cheshire Polo Club.

My very first contact with the game of polo apart from Jilly Cooper and Pretty Woman and I have to say they weren’t far from the real thing. Even down to the ‘stomping the divots’ at half time! Just wish I had taken Poppy along too.

polo divots

Beautiful people, amazing ponies, fast and furious playing and flowing champagne. Robin aka Mr Polo gave great commentary that let all us newbies know what was happening on and off the pitch.

As ever, it was lovely introducing the Poppy & Rufus range to new people and as ever we got some great feedback. Most popular items on Sunday had to be our ‘Hug a Mugs’, Maxi our dog travel bag and the ever popular Dixie travel water bowl.

polo stand

Lulu, our small waxed cotton walking bag had lots of admirers too. As did a real life Lulu giving us a bit of doggy love – we love meeting dogs with the same names as our products!

Here’s Lulu looking super cute in a nest of our Hector luxury dog beds.


So if you fancy a great afternoon out – from May to September – get down to Cheshire Polo Club (or a club near you), park up, get your picnic out and enjoy the action. Of course, you will need to keep dogs on leads due to the horses. Entry to Cheshire Polo matches is free to watch (apart from certain tournament days – check club websites for details) and you are certain of a very warm welcome. Thanks for a great afternoon.

And here are some tips for enjoying polo courtesy of Sport Polo.

polo on stage

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