Poppy & Rufus - Luxury dog beds, bowls, storage, toys and accessories

Lights, Camera, Action!

We don’t know who were more enthusiastic on our day’s photo shoot recently; James and Tom our young and dynamic duo behind the video camera lens or Poppy and Rufus, our two dashing Divas who just loved all the attention! Stepping in at the last minute after our original camera crew let us down, Tom and James couldn’t have been more creative and really enjoyed their new ‘subject matter’ of two ‘really cute dogs’ (quoting Tom ).

filming rufus

The idea was to show our practical products in full actionmode, so mud-baths were mixed up to demonstrate the combination of muddy paws, lovely dog beds and a washing machine!

Outdoor shooting involved rivers, woods, parks and pavements, again to show those useful products in action. Poppy must be the only dog to sleep on command; put her in a bed and watch those eyes roll, so some lovely bed shots were taken and Rufus can’t resist being wrapped in a snuggly blanket and held like a baby, so no problem filming our Muffet Travel blanket either!


We will let you all know when the final edits are ready to view!

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