Poppy & Rufus - Luxury dog beds, bowls, storage, toys and accessories

News & Events: The perfect fit!

The most valued, top-of-the-list-important part of Poppy and Rufus is you, our customers!

As appreciativeRufus sprawled in small sized Hector dog bed recipients of friendly, efficient and thoughtful service ourselves, we love those little touches that equally passionate people make to turn a customer experience into something special.

We love it even more that we too have the opportunity to give that ‘special something’ to our customers too. We see every order as a personal compliment and pat on the back!

So, just like our always-anxious-to-please-Poppy, when a customer was struggling with which size bed to buy, it was without a second thought that we both dropped what we were doing at that time, grabbed our own small (Rufus fabric) and medium (Poppy fabric) beds, then grabbed our dogs and proceeded to measure both height and length from tail to nose of each!

Next, Poppy and Rufus were plonked into their beds and photographed in situ. Poppy obliged beautifully, ever obedient, without so much as batting an eyelid. Rufus likewise threw some crazy shapes and quickly settled on holding a perfect ‘stretched-out-on-my-back-whilst-curled-around-the-sides’ pose.

poppy in bed for sizeThe photos were emailed off and straight away our happy customer bought the medium sized bed.

Not quite Goldilocks, although close; more Cinderella with the perfect fit. But either way, a very Happy Ever After!

See our full range of Hector dog beds here

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